Attention: Adult NFRC Clients
You are cordially invited to attend a special Peer Counselor Program!!
When: February 15, 2023
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
This virtual program will have two NFRC peer counselors share their experiences about being single parents and how they work with their co-parent.
Our peer counselors are individuals who have adjusted to their transitions, successfully completed NFRC peer counselor training and want to give back to others. Some of the topics to be discussed include:
How to handle the challenges of being a single parent?
What helps parents remain and enhance resiliency?
How do single parents handle daily routines, homework, and activities?
What are the challenges of resilient co-parenting?
What are some strategies to support constructive co-parenting?
What do you do when there are co-parents who don’t cooperate?
RSVP by Monday, February 13 to